Monday, July 10, 2006

french fries

one night at the 300.

beer, chips, red wine, durian, DIY fondue, bananas, apples, white wine, baileys, tenquila, tv and scrabble.
lu-anne, felix, timo, baldwin, steph and bird.
france and italy.

dinner at 85 was yummy. discovered a better bah chor mee stall on lu's recommendation.
to east point it was to rent dvds, though i have quite abit at home.
harold and kumar, and saw 2.
felix had his own runaway jury.
and on the way to my house, he did a brave brave thing.
(left for us to know :) )
we melted our own chocolate and lu cutted up some apples and bananas.
melting the chocolate was NO EASY FEET.
different ways and methods that all the smart alecs thought of.
timo came. and for awhile there was a non-existent conversation
and non existent rambutans. aiyo.
took all the stuff up in 'eager' anticiation of the match.

lu and myself watched the gresome but goooood movie, saw 2.
still prefer saw 1 better.
felix and timo huddled up in front of my laptop to watch his jury runaway.
after the movie, we chilled, and then scrabbled.
baldwin came soon after, in time to miss the 2 goals by both teams.
my first ever time i got to shout "GOAL" this world cup when zidane did yet another awesome penalty.
anyways, sleepiness kicked in.
so i awoke to ask what time the extra extra time starting,
only to find out from timo that the games over doofus.
no no.
ok sleep.
i went to my room to sleep so these 4 bodies will have space.
though i doubt since felix was already plonked comfortable.
the rest were forced to makedo.

casulties of the night
* henry and his bumping of his head! awww :(
* a wine glass
* the chocolate that felix made (which lu threw out)
* felix, lu, timo who lost to the scrabble queen, ME. yahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa
* bird who had to go to school the next day
* felix who mummbled a few gibberish in his sleep.

no more french fries for this week. HMMPF

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