suddenly i realise, quite a number of people do read.
so, i'd better post, better entries.
so what's been the highlights of my life of late.
apart from being addicted to the rubix cube,
i seem to be having an extra long holiday as compared to other tp students.
and a whole lot of free time doing nothing,
makes you fall sick.
YES, it does. AHCHOO.
saturday's game was alright.
i still feel i'm not cut out to play winger. HAHA.
post party was awesome.
bused to bq bar was filled with rugby songs
and stickers
mine said "ask me about my puki" and i got fined after for being excited about the sticker.
dinner was nice. small talk with shimo, haha and raph.
then it was boat races, drinks and dancin!
and an impromptu limbo please. haha.
then a superman came in! HAHA.
one of the girls pulled down his underpants and out popped crumpled tissues.
he went to take a piss i guess, with helen attacking him for his cape and boots with much success.
and rumor has it, he peed himself.
sounds about credible, since a full body leotard suit is hard to get out of :P
then it was my turn to steal the cape! :)
and i was hoisted up by the girls! that was fun, and no i didnt scream like how i did when i was first lifted during training.
the cape was fun dance prop, from a towel, to a metador's cape to a whip. whoop whoop.
hannie can do a split! like OMFG! wahahah.
more dancing and mocking "superman" with kate,
then it was to chinaone all of us for more dancing.
i never realised it was fun on saturday nights there!
met audrey who came back from the states,
and CHANEL! from aussie land
i miss the girls so much! from back in the kindergarten days.
together with farmer and cherm.
drinks and dancing all night long, all night.
i was happy high. sweet.
mr one hand man, you look good :P
there was this one guy, newzealander i think, at the dance floor,
omg HOT. haha. and he has nice strong hands.
and his pick up line, "what position do you play?"
not that a fantastic one, but effort there. HAHA.
but i kinda left, to meet marli,
of corse after i made rachel come get a "very drunk beyond help" steph,
only to surprise her with audrey's return.
she wasnt too surprised ah :( not fair.
anyway, pump room with marli, sujan and carmel,
then attica.
by the end of the night, i was pissed tired!
i remember cugging down 2 hash browns at macs,
and walking because getting cabs was hopeless,
then sitting down at a curb,
and then being home asleep on my belly.
oh how i abuse myself sometimes.
monday i went down for round 2 interview,
which pretty much means ive got the job :)
then shopping by myself at GWC zara,
i miss all them girlies!
i got myself a pair of pants, a skirt and a blouse.
met marius for some chow at arab street,
and to blu jaz for a drink.
now i know why lu and the rest went there quite often
the furniture is sexay, with the many many "f*ck me on this chair" chairs.
such a my kinda room decor with all the animal prints and ecentirc touches,
like the bottom half of a maniquin lamp thingy thing. nice.
and so the scratchy throat syndrom begins .
popped a few meds before sleeping like a baby.
tuesday, cheryl came over at 5,
i drove round the east in her car.
see i'm not a that bad driver, only the stopping too close.
mahjong after, and the little sister was creaming our asses,
out of the 7 rounds we played, she won about,
wednesday's meeting at 9, and i was the early bird,
lucky i didnt leave home yet.
my nose was clogged and throat liek a broken record.
all dressed and ready to go, i made myself breakfast.
toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich with tea.
and i just sat at the table, and briefly read through the papers,
i never realised how having breakfast was so pleasurable, really!
more of it soon, i wouldnt mind waking up early in the future for it.
its like a league of its own, nothing that lunch and dinner can beat, trust me.
try it, i dare you.
the museum with jeric was alright.
other then my nose and throat being irritating.
bumped into the 'emo duo' of the class.
when the museum closed, we headed to 85 for bah chor mee,
nothing good for the throat, but what the heck.
i couldnt really taste much of the food anyways.
home it was, and our new tv came! its massive!
i crawled up on my sister's bed and fell asleep,
she woke me at 10 for the exorcist on the big screen, but i was too tired,
and sick.
so up to my room, in went the flu and fever pills,
and snore went steph.
so here i am, on a thursday afternoon,
after another toast and tea :)
with a 2hr class at 4 and prolly a trip to the docs after.
and how my life is boring aie.
or maybe my blog's just reflecting it.
i dont like extremes, like how things are now.
when i have good moments, they are really good,
and those are hard to capture into words and conveyed into emotions.
when i have bad moments, they are REALLY bad.
and those are easy to capture into emotional and thought provoking words.
i wonder.
might check out the andro hunt later,
go ad go! :)
tmr's my day with sham who i havnt seen in ages, my sexy bitch.
saturday's the game which i hope i'm up to par for,
in terms of play and well, health?
then to the bq where we're hosting.
sunday's day is with the old farts and our day at the theatre for some dim sum dollies.
my weekend sounds lovely. :)
and i feel like i'm coming 2nd to nothing with you. overlooked.where did we go? come back soon from the mayhem love. i'm still, me. if you see.