Monday, July 06, 2009


heres the low down,
with the scrum down.

it all went down at st andrew's.
and we've had a full pack of 25 girls for once.
kick off was at 745pm. subbed in second half as a loose prop!
ok, from playing in the backs,
to kinda trying hooker at training, to prop. mama?
but its true, as long as you play with a big heart,
everything else doesnt come close to mattering.

and bucks women, WAY TO GO!
way to get in there, suck it up,
rough it out, and still party the night away.

watching the earlier match at st andrews

blacks vs bucks: scrum


post match boozin at our club sponsor BQ BAR

nothing beats a cold one....

or a boatrace full!!

nor a bartop dance...

we love it!
shi han, can you handle it?

not soo much i guess, en route to our next destination,
CHINAONE for some dancing! shi hanmerlion!
organic fertilizer she says.

rocking out to the band at chinaone...

in our stripey socks theme!! :)

one for the puki!!
and look who we bumped into....

my lil sister, bird!

one of the bucks boys drunk for their golf pub crawling.

and big friendly giant matt hall!

heres to the court session that never happened
ning - you came in time to miss the boat races!
andrea - you need shoulder pads
shi han - the picture says it all
anne - because we cant get enough of your boobies
kidd - being decevingly small but a monster beer guzzler
steph k - you wore sexy heels to the game and after because you "came from church"
crystal - the "social drinker". no such thing, drinker is drinker! :)
tiffany - for the teaspoon of beer left costing us the boatrace
pei - for actually calling the disquilification !!
steph - will just drink for the hell of it

great awesome night, and we love it long time.
looking forward to ladies nights this week,
training, and possibly game in malaysia.
might be trippin back to perth next week,
so im making the most of the rest of my time.

baby, i'm a superstar! :)

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