Sunday, May 07, 2006

confessions of a broken heart

why is it that these days, when i meet new people,
among the first things i'd ask about them,
is if they had a bf.
new found obsession with the misery of not having one?
or just a sadistic way of heart telling head that i might actually need one.
i'm losing myself deeper into, myself.

but the week's been great.
come to think of it, i love my class.
or more specifically, i love my group mates.
they don't care if i might have came to school with a heavy heart
they just seem to put everything in place,
with the stupidest things they do or say,
they makeit hard not to laugh like a school girl.
especially haha, though i never thought i'd find such a cheesy person. -_-"
who bought me a honeydew when i told her i wanted a wintermelon drink.
and timo with his "yes me lord" and "i like your thinking" comments,
but nothing beats his "hotdogs"
and felix with his frost tits.
and nicole for laughing at my stunts with my footware.
from heels, to shoes to slippers. you laugh the loudest.
and who ever knew printing notes for the semester would be mad fun.
from the over printing, to the paper cuts, to the stealing of printing paper.
you all made my day, with hunting down my goreng pisang stall :)
and its only the beginning.

thursday morning i didnt feel so well,
so i didnt go to school, and took mc instead,
which felix and timo calls a fake mc. PUI. HMMPF.
me and haha started taking mad pictures before training.
saying how some phillipino maids take photos like this when their on their day off.

stiff smile.

vs normal nonsense smile.

actually had one more picture, but its too damn ugly with our stiff pose and face. heh
the touch clinic with the newbies were alright.
it was good to meet new enthusiasts, and weird to think i was once, them.
but it was definately a much bigger crowd.
new faces, fresh personalities.
i'm looking forward to what will develope in subsequent trainings.
oh, i won't be playing SMU touch next week.
out of places, they've already got 10. ho hum.
ya la, my fault for being wishy washy to weather or not i reallly want to play.
another time then.

friday was the longest school day ever,
to top it off, it ended earlier then expected. gawd.
weeks to come would see looooonger more shaggadalic lessons.
service skills.
woke up at 530. OH MAN.
didn't help that my cinderalle eyes became red again at noon.
but it hurt like a bitch, worse then ever before.
luckily sarah was there to rescue me.
she passes me her saline solution halfway during class. THANKS THANKS THANKS LOTS!
though it still stang alot, it made it slightly bearable.
class ended at around 4+,
took the bus with nicole to bedok,
i headed to safra changi chalet for nina sky's 18th birthday!!!
OMFG she lost so much effking weight!!!!
i didnt even know she went to my place the day before to borrow clubbing wear. LOL.
and i met sham, her new bf!
gawd i'm so happy for her.
he's a great guy, i have a good feeling about this one.
and i've never seen her this smiley and alive since a long time.
i'm awfully glad.
had food, kesh the mr bartender for the night kept the vodka ribena coming.
(yes ms sick with red eyes who looked smashed even before she took a sip, drank)
played the game that we played the last time timo, eugene, felic blah blah went drinking.
after awhile my eyes gave me a headache with the quinting to make it feel comfy.
i went up to rest. and woke up in time for nina to call me a cab.
however short lived my time there with my nina sky,
it was great seeing her, all slim now, and happy.
which makes me happy too.
i've got so much i wanna catch up with her on,
only if and when time will allow.

saturday i was home the whole day.
no plans, no one with.
dvds are my best friend.
scary movie 4 is DUMB. but funny.
i could have gotten 2 tubs of hagen daaz, but nooOOOooo.

its now a lazy sunday, and i have another best friend, the tv.
from noon to 4pm, non-stop dvd popping and tv watching.
at least these home stays makes me feel better, health wise.
and my eyes have cleared up!
maybe later, i'll go out to buy myself my much awaited sims2 cd,
since my pay came in.
hopefully ill get use to sentosa schooling,
and then i came go back to working on the side.

and is it me, or is the new trend for mummy to talk to steph is by nagging,
and you wonder why sometimes i dont want to be home?
i hear myself in my head wishing silently that you could talk to me
instead of pushing me away with every biting word you say.
to at least put me at the same level as my sisters.
this is my part 2 of my confessions of a broken heart.

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