Friday, September 14, 2007


so the internship started.
and so far, i'm lovin it!

on my first day, it was a nice welcome,
turns out andrew knows my course manager!
which makes it so intimidating!
the people here are so friendly and nice.
i feel bad that i just cannot absorb so many names at once.
i have my own desk, in this place known as the fish bowl,
where the 2 other interns from nanyang sit as well.
we are the fishies in the bowl!
i got the chance to be attached to this way cool assignment,
to observe the do's and how's of getting a event on the way.
helped out and saw how they put together their pitch presentation.
mad rush i swear, and sanjay wanted to bring me along to the pitch,
and AND, since i hadnt had lunch, he told me to eat his!
awkward, but oh well.
drove over to the building (2 blocks down)
sanjay drives madly i swear, and a lizard didnt let me into the car.
the meeting took a good 4.5 hrs!
got back to the office by like 6.25, left 20mins after.
that was my swell, first day. me li-ke.

2nd day, i didnt have much to do really.
there was a general meeting in the morning,
and i met the big boss himself.
after introductions, the interns were excused to carry on.
all i had was just to finish up the invoices that i helped kamala with.
and i was done for the day, kinda.
by the time the meeting ended it was lunch time.
so off to opposite with some of the girls to satidfy my chicken rice craving! :)
my tongue studs season now i guess,
i sometimes hardly remember that its there.
bought skittles to keep me company,
half of which lost to the birthday boy mr sanjay.
i got the mission of the day after: a delivery!
heeh, to the office 2 blocks down.
by the time i got back, there was news that someone from the next building just committed suicide.
mum picked me up at 6 and it was home sweeeeeeeeet home.

and friday is pretty much, mundane.
i hope things picks up! my reporting bosses are all outta town.
someone PLEASE give me something to do.
england vs south africa tonight, weepiee

i'm looking forward to my weekend.

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