Sunday, July 01, 2012

30 Day Detox Challenge - Day 1

1st of July - Day 1!

So, I'm going to do something I have never done before, not to anyone and never in a million years would I ever. But, how can you keep track of progress without keeping track of numbers? That's right. For everyone who has tried to carry me with me refusing, or asking me to sit on their laps when theres a seat shortage or too many people to sit in the car. I weighed myself today!

So as of today, I weigh (drum and tummy rolls) : 57.4 kg
Its not very accurate to gudge base on weight alone because you can have a very heavy but tall person. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a better indication of one's obesity level, it compares your weight in proportion to your height. Based on that, you are put into numerical categories to give you an indication of your "weight":

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

  • Its pretty easy to calculate; here's a gingle they had back in Singapore!
    Take a look at your weight. Take a look at your height. Then divide your weight, by your height times height! :)
    Or, click here to go to a site that does it for you. 
    So based on my 57.4kg and tallness of 157cm, I'm sitting on 23.3 on the BMI which is in normal weight. I;d like to see if I can bring it down towards the lower range in that category, somewhere in the 21.5 - 22.5 range, if thats realistic? Its only consulation, my main objective is to FEEL healtheir and look it wouldnt hurt either.
    Despite pulling up abit rough this morning from having after work drinks, I kick started my detox with Multivitamins and Calcium Complex tablets, and a late breakfast with Joe at the cafe down the road, Ootong and Lincon. And my most beloved Eli of corse (still the chick magnet!). I had a Tuna Patty with Salad on the side. Pretty tasty and though the salad was abit of a dissapointment, it was a "smack, bam get your ass into detox!" type thing with crisp raw greens. Post brekkie walk on the beach, beautiful Sun-shining-Sunday - cant complain! Other then Eli's 3rd public poo that he seems to be most comfortable doing at the water's edge. Edge, till it gets waves over it!!

    I had a MASSIVE chocolate craving so I cracked open the Chocolate and Peanut Butter nutritional bars as a quick snack. It was gooood, pretty nutty! Definately hit the spot with getting sugar slapped on my taste buds! And then off to work with the bow wows I go! During my shift though I got hungry and started thinkings about food though it wasnt too long ago since my last feed, so in terms of the reducing of cravings and surpressing of appetite goes, I dont think the bars have quite done it for me yet. But we will see in time!

    Been wanting to sink teeth into a hot bowl of creamy soup all day! Dinner time rolls on and to Clancey's Fish Pub we went! I'll have the Seafood Chowder, thanks! Satisfied, indeed! No beers for me, just a lemon lime and bitters.

    Pretty cruisy first day easing into the whole challenge, no sudden shocks only rude ones with the potency of my farts in the later part of the day. Like pho, god damn! (Pho, mmmm!) Soup season is definately here!!

    Going to sleep nice, warm, snuggly and soundly tonight. Eli already ahead of me so that's me for today. Looking forward to a week with more dinner catch ups and cook ups, and Sydney this Thursday night!

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