Sunday, July 01, 2012

My July 30 Day Challenge!

So following my health kick last year where I did a 20 day detox (10 days short of my goal because an old friend came round with Coronas!), I actually lost 4kg in those 20 days. I started the detox with the goal in mind of clensing my body of the evils I've put it through becaue of late nights out at the pubs or lazy lunches where I dont even have to leave the comforts of my car. Yeaaah, guilty. And I wanted to be more atheletic for the Touch Rugby season that summer. The weight lost was definately a bonus, but I felt so much energetic and lighter in my steps. No, I was not an extreme porker pre-detox, I literally could feel a spring in my step! That, and the liberation of controlling my lifetyle choice!

My main detox rules were simple:
1. LOTS of water. I aimed for 1.5L a day, and try to double that on days I do exercise or have games

2. NO ALCOHOL! Empty calories was a no-go, that, and the fact that in the whole detox process in where I clense my body (of the bad stuff!) and just do good to it, it does not make any sense to just make way for a fast-track for the nasties in alcohol to get into my system! Think about it, would you sanitize the kitchen bench, wipe it down then dry it off with the floor mat? YEAH, something like that.

3. DIET - Small meals throughout the day, that means waking up early for breakfast too! I try and cut out as much carbs as I can, and the main goal is simple; the less cooked or the less cooking required, the better. Salads, wraps, soups, multigrains (or bird food crackers my friends have called it!) lots of fruit, beans and legumes.

I am no diet Nazi though! Its no secret, I love my food. And I was not going to begin to torture myself with what I can and cannot eat. What's the point in that? Throughout the 20 days, I made choice. I've not deprived myself of the food I love like LAMB! (MMMMMMMMM), procuito (mama!!) or well in summary meats and seafood. It was by no mean a vego diet. It became pretty fun challenging myself to come up with new recipies for the next meal, I found that planning ahead for the next meal was a big contributing factor to empowering myelf with choices in what I put in my belly. And boy did I come up with great recipies! Never boring coming up with killer salad combinations to top the last one off, mmm!!

The detox by no means ruined my social butterfly lifestyle either. I would still have meals out while catching up with mates and still head out for a boogy or 2. The difference? Planning ahead! Knowing that I would probably treat myself when we are out with a big meal (with consideration to what it i or how its prepared), I would have "better" meals during the day leading up to eating out. If it was bigger then I expected, I would just make up for it the next day. And when it came to going out on the town, I would swap my alcohol for a drink of choice. Mine was lemon lime and bitters - so it feels like I am still drinking something, even though its sugar loaded its not alcohol! And I had a rad time everytime! :) Alcohol did make a big difference to my detox, I lost lots of flab on my tummy-doughnut and saved my liver along with alot of money :)

Detoxing this time around I have similar goals in mind; lifestyle choices to become more atheletic, energetic and healthy! Add self control and decipline to the mix because this time around I admittedly feel like I have less motivation (for some reason) maybe partly because I would be squeezing some travels in this month. It will be a challenge!

This time around I would not only try and keep in the same rules as before (because it worked and more importantly it suited me and my lifestyle!) but also I am trying a range of products by Melaluka, which is a wellness company that has eco-friendly and organic products the focuses on, surprise surprise, Wellness.

So I purchased the this "weight management" pack, which includes Nutrion Bars (chocolate peanut butter, and sweet and salty nuts!), Sustain Electrolytes, Organic Tea in yummo hibiscuz and rosehip flavourflav!, Calcium and Multivitamins for women. I just wanted to personally trial these products and see how far I can push myself to achieve results! It will be a challenge, but I ACCEPT!

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