Sunday, March 18, 2007

outsmarting teachers.

how kids outsmart teachers.
the classic way.

the elimination method.


then there's common sense?

and creative problem solving.

or the ol' try till you die method and not leave anything blank.

testing luck..

and aplying what television teaches you.

making sense of the question.

and the best classic one...

technically, he's right.

boring sunday.
dindin with dad laters to god knows where,
then chalet for darren's 19th .
no training till tuesday.
bobby and i have a packs challenge (which i will win FYI)
maybe la, but hopefully.
with the drinking after training for bucks tradition,
is abit of a scary feet, especially for the beer belly.
i'm halfheartedly complaining can you tell?
beer after training IS undeniably, gooood.
extreme makeover home edition is evilllllll,
make people cry only :(
oh well.

strange how in new environments, you feel more welcomed and appreciated,
like they make it worth your time, and theirs.
if only people would realise,
and take steps for changes.
changes for the better.

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