Monday, November 21, 2005

accidental movie marathon

woke up at 2 today.
12hr+++ of sleep.

wake up, watched legends of zorro with bird
slurpped down my won tan mee at the same time
nice movie, proved me wrong.
thought was going to watch a movie with mummy and bird and jessie and her family.
especially since they have 15 free golden village tickets!!
but then didn't
planned too late
showered and went online
cheryl lek came over.
we watched valliant
silly pigeon movie, quiet cutely funy la
then she went home after dinner
while harry potter was screened on tv
and she couldnt wait for like the commercials to leave.
yeah, 3rd movie of the day
part II's tmr. *excited*

now am just online.
fooling around with photoshop
posting up all past entries that are saved as drafts
because on this very day my template was up
yes yes.
though it still needs loads of fine tuning
its good enough to run (learnt that in entrepreneurship class, heh)
but thanks again loads to nad and ad
who has been taking my constant whining and still seeing this template tentrum out.
i swear i'm a webcam junkie
had fun, as always, on the webcam with adrian.
he's so hairy, grawl. lol
but he says if i pay for his waxing he'll wax. YAY.
only 3 more weeks!
then he had to go do his work.
read through emile's blog.
quite cute the TOP 10 lists he comes up with.
heh heh.
finally i met my match with the many many many photos he has.
BTW it has come to my attention that alot of people in my class find my dad handsome!!
a 50yr old man.
i thought i got it bad in secondary school,
even a butch said he was handsome
but now in poly,
classmates said he was,
guys and girls?!
especially after he just stank the whole chalet and took off.
but handsome 50yr old mega stinky-shitter?
whatever it is, i'm still daddy's little girl,
a handsome daddy's little girl :)

ok my mind's starting to shut off.
i think i'm going to sleep.
do more of this blog thing tmr.
who'd ever though owning a blog would be tedious.
oh hum, its only the start up period.
tmr's class starts at 2!
then its to the gym with dee and yam and who ever else they called.
and training afterwards.
goodnight world.

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