Tuesday, November 29, 2005

what is love?

what is love?
its when you never have to say, "i love you" and convey the message all the same, if not more. and then you'll hope, wish and pray that it'll be like this forever and ever.


to a toddler,
love is when mummy and daddy showers you with the silliest toys,
and chose your outfits for you, and still hold onto your hand though you look horrendous.
and they'll buy you an ice cream after you've been forced to sunday mass.
love is when mummy and daddy says "you are right, you clever lil genius!"
even though you don't even know what you are blabbering about.
and when you fall, mummy will blow on your cut,
and daddy will tuck you in the tightest at night.

to a 10yr old,
love is when daddy starts lecturing you about how you dont use your brains enough
and actually bothers to stay up all night to make sure you do.
love is when mummy helps you sign on the test paper which you flunked,
even though her face is so long and sulky it drags on the floor.
love is when your sisters let you have the wing off the chicken,
because she knows you will offer her the drumstick after.

to a teenager,
love is when mummy stays up late secretly in bed just to hear you sneak back home
even though you had the biggest fight ever and thought that was the last straw.
love is when daddy wakes up early, even with a biggest stomach ache
just to send you to school, and waste another 2hours before he heads to work.
love is when your sisters are too busy to have time for you when you are busy too,
but somehow find the right time to be free to listen to your heart ache.

to an adult,
love is outdoing someone in gifts you are giving or recieving,
the more extravegant the gift, the more you love me.
love is juggling lots of things from family to work to personal needs,
and suffering in silence.
love is remembering those who love you and thinking on how you should make time for them,
and it just stops there, thinking. not doing.
love is only there in good times, and seldom in bad,
love is finding the person you least expected at your doorstep with 'get fat, feel better' food.
love somehow seems to be more narrow in scope. the older you are, the narrower is becomes.
from friends, to just a one special someone.
and the label of "the one" summerises up all the greatness love brings.

to a parent,
love is looking out for the highly dependant bubbles of fat, wanting the best for them,
even though you know that it could very well be the worse, and they are irritating at times.
love is taking turns to clean up the baby and lullaby em to sleep,
even though you have an important presentation the next day thats not done.
love is burping your baby, knowing full well it has a ammo of puke ready to be dispensed.
love is knowing, there's another tomorrow to teach your kid the beauty of love first hand,
in nurturing and by example.
love is, despite smelling like baby puke and milk powder, your bodies connect perfectly in embrace with your spouse, and to complete the puzzle is your kid snuggled in between.

actually no. very much a reality.
the good side of a reality.
maybe its a matter of how you want to fit love in your current situation?
when just in fact, we forgot the very unmistakenable truth,
if we bother to think back and reflect,
what is love?

i'll tell you what love is to everyone.
love is.....

never enough.

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