Monday, December 17, 2012

Hangover 2013, I predict!

So its been a challenge convincing mates bac home to embark on a messy, epic journey for a New Year's Eve adventure. So much so I was at the point of giving up! And as fate would have brought it, I walked into a bank (as you do...)

"Dont I know you from somewhere?"
... the casual small talks and how are yous continue..
"So I have a year off work and I'm going to laa lal lalall la (at this point I wasnt listening very well because I just imagined what it will be like winning the lotto so that I can attempt to trump his travel plans, that lucky son of a gun!!) and Bali, and New Year's in Bangkok"
"No way"

5 minutes into a really long queue at the bank, we've basically nutted out enough to know that we're getting a crew started once we join up in Bangkok with his other mates who are coming from somewhere else. Wicked! First item on the agenda, BOOK THOSE TICKETS! I dont care if Im going alone, I'M GOING! And everyone else on my facebook can look at my pictures and posts and say "I WISH I HAD WENT!" :)

So tickets are booked, look out Bangkok, trouble's coming your way!
My best mate Daniel is coming with too, and we are going to tear it up!!
6 days we are there but we may venutre onward North for some nature R&R through caves and wonders. One things for sure though, I am DEFINATELY going to eat my way through! And finish up with some shopping with my left over pennies :)

Bring on 2013 already, lord knows I need a new start!! :) x

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